What is Child Sexual Abuse
Child sexual abuse includes touching and non-touching activity.
Some examples of touching activity include:
- touching
a child's genitals or private parts for sexual pleasure
- making
a child touch someone else's genitals, play sexual games or have sex
putting objects or body parts (like fingers, tongue or penis) inside the
vagina, in the mouth or in the anus of a child for sexual pleasure
Some examples of non-touching activity include:
- showing
pornography to a child
- deliberately
exposing an adult's genitals to a child
- photographing
a child in sexual poses
- encouraging
a child to watch or hear sexual acts
- inappropriately
watching a child undress or use the bathroom
As well as the activities described above, there is also the
serious and growing problem of people making and downloading sexual images of
children on the Internet (also known as child pornography). To view child abuse
images is to participate in the abuse of a child. Those who do so may also be
abusing children they know. People who look at this material need help to
prevent their behaviour from becoming even more serious.
What is the impact of child sexual abuse?
The impact of sexual abuse varies from child to child. For many,
the damage is enormous, with the impact still being felt into adulthood,
affecting all aspects of their life.
What help is there for victims?
MOSAC (Mothers of Sexually Abused Children) is a voluntary
organisation supporting all non-abusing parents and carers whose children have
been sexually abused. They provide advocacy, advice and information,
befriending, counselling, play therapy and support groups following alleged
child sexual abuse. Visit www.mosac.org.uk for
more information or call their national helpline on 0800 980 1958.
NAPAC is the National Association for People Abused in Childhood.
It is a registered charity providing support and information for people abused
in childhood. Visit www.napac.org.uk/.
SURVIVORS UK provides information, support and counselling for men
who have been raped or sexually abused. Thousands of men contact them each
year. Visit www.survivorsuk.org/ or call their national
helpline on 0845
1221201. Helpline hours: 7pm-9.30pm Mon/Tue/Thu.
These organisations are able to assist those looking for help,
support or information.
How widespread is child sexual abuse?
Child sexual abuse is largely a hidden crime, so it is difficult
to accurately estimate the number of people who are sexually abused at some
time during their childhood. It is estimated that one in six children
experience sexual abuse before the age of 16.*
* Child Maltreatment in the UK, NSPCC 2000
What is the biggest myth around child sexual abuse
Very often the TV, radio and newspaper cover stories about
children who are abused, abducted and even murdered, usually by strangers but
it is important to know that these are not typical crimes. Sexual abusers are
more likely to be people we know, and could well be people we care about; after
all more than 8 out of 10 children who are sexually abused know their abuser.
They are family members or friends, neighbours or babysitters – many hold
responsible positions in society. Some will seek out employment which brings
them into contact with children, some will hold positions of trust which can
help to convince other adults that they are beyond reproach, making it hard for
adults to raise their concerns.
Why do people commit sexual abuse?
It is not easy to understand how seemingly ordinary people can do
such things to children. Some people who sexually abuse children recognise that
it is wrong and are deeply unhappy about what they are doing. Others believe
their behaviour is OK and that what they do shows their love for children.
Some, but not all, have been abused themselves; others come from violent or
unhappy family backgrounds.
Knowing why people sexually abuse children does not excuse their
behaviour, but it may help us understand what is happening. If abusers face the
reality of what they are doing and come forward, or if someone reports them,
effective treatment programmes are available. These help people understand and
control their behaviour, reducing risk to children and building a safer
society. Knowing about the possibility of treatment for abusers helps children
and families too.
How do people commit child sexual abuse?
By getting close to children:
People who want to abuse children often build a relationship with the child and the caring adults who want to protect them. Many are good at making 'friends' with children and those who are close to them. Some may befriend parents who are facing difficulties, sometimes on their own. They may offer to baby-sit or offer support with childcare and other responsibilities. Some seek trusted positions in the community which put them in contact with children, such as childcare, schools, children's groups and sports teams. Some find places such as arcades, playgrounds, parks, swimming baths and around schools where they can get to know children.
People who want to abuse children often build a relationship with the child and the caring adults who want to protect them. Many are good at making 'friends' with children and those who are close to them. Some may befriend parents who are facing difficulties, sometimes on their own. They may offer to baby-sit or offer support with childcare and other responsibilities. Some seek trusted positions in the community which put them in contact with children, such as childcare, schools, children's groups and sports teams. Some find places such as arcades, playgrounds, parks, swimming baths and around schools where they can get to know children.
By silencing children:
People who sexually abuse children may offer them gifts or treats, and sometimes combine these with threats about what will happen if the child says 'no' or tells someone. They may make the child afraid of being hurt physically, but more usually the threat is about what may happen if they tell, for example, the family breaking up or father going to prison. In order to keep the abuse secret the abuser will often play on the child's fear, embarrassment or guilt about what is happening, perhaps convincing them that no one will believe them. Sometimes the abuser will make the child believe that he or she enjoyed it and wanted it to happen. There may be other reasons why a child stays silent and doesn't tell. Very young or disabled children may lack the words or means of communication to let people know what is going on.
People who sexually abuse children may offer them gifts or treats, and sometimes combine these with threats about what will happen if the child says 'no' or tells someone. They may make the child afraid of being hurt physically, but more usually the threat is about what may happen if they tell, for example, the family breaking up or father going to prison. In order to keep the abuse secret the abuser will often play on the child's fear, embarrassment or guilt about what is happening, perhaps convincing them that no one will believe them. Sometimes the abuser will make the child believe that he or she enjoyed it and wanted it to happen. There may be other reasons why a child stays silent and doesn't tell. Very young or disabled children may lack the words or means of communication to let people know what is going on.
Who sexually abuses children?
There is a growing understanding that sexual abusers are likely to
be people we know, and could well be people we care about; after all more than
8 out of 10 children who are sexually abused know their abuser. They are family
members or friends, neighbours or babysitters - many hold responsible positions
in society. Some people who abuse children have adult sexual relationships and
are not solely, or even mainly, sexually interested in children. Abusers come
from all classes, ethnic and religious backgrounds and may be homosexual or
heterosexual. Most abusers are men, but some are women. You cannot pick out an
abuser in a crowd.
Why don't children tell?
Three quarters of children who are abused do not tell anyone about
it and many keep their secret all their lives. In 2000 a study was conducted by
the NSPCC and below are some of the reasons why children were unable to tell:
"it was nobody else's business"
"didn't think it was serious or wrong"
"didn't want parents to find out"
"didn't want friends to find out"
"didn't want the authorities to find out"
"was frightened"
"didn't think would be believed"
"had been threatened by abuser"
"didn't think it was serious or wrong"
"didn't want parents to find out"
"didn't want friends to find out"
"didn't want the authorities to find out"
"was frightened"
"didn't think would be believed"
"had been threatened by abuser"
Child Maltreatment in the UK, NSPCC 2000
What should I do if I know a child is / has been abused?
It is very disturbing to suspect someone we know of sexually
abusing a child,
especially if the person is a friend or a member of the family. It is so much easier to dismiss such thoughts and put them down to imagination. But it is better to talk over the situation with someone than to discover later that we were right to be worried. And remember, we are not alone.
especially if the person is a friend or a member of the family. It is so much easier to dismiss such thoughts and put them down to imagination. But it is better to talk over the situation with someone than to discover later that we were right to be worried. And remember, we are not alone.
Thousands of people every year discover that someone in their
family or circle of friends has abused a child. Children who are abused and
their families need professional help to recover from their experience. Action
can lead to abuse being prevented, and children who are being abused receiving
protection and help to recover. It can also lead to the abuser getting
effective treatment to stop abusing and becoming a safer member of our
community. If the abuser is someone close to us, we need to get support for
ourselves too.
Do children sexually abuse other children?
We are becoming increasingly aware of the risk of sexual abuse
that some adults present to our children and there is growing understanding
that this risk lies mostly within families and communities. But very few people
realise that other children can sometimes present a risk.
A third of those who have sexually abused a child are themselves
under the age of 18.
Many children are abused by other children or young people, often older than themselves. Unless the problem is recognised and help provided, a young person who abuses other children may continue abusing as an adult.
Many children are abused by other children or young people, often older than themselves. Unless the problem is recognised and help provided, a young person who abuses other children may continue abusing as an adult.
This is an especially difficult issue to deal with, partly because
it is hard for us to think of children doing such things, but also because it
is not always easy to tell the difference between normal sexual exploration and
abusive behaviour. Children, particularly in the younger age groups, may engage
in such behaviour with no knowledge that it is wrong or abusive. For this
reason, it may be more accurate to talk about sexually harmful behaviour rather
than abuse.
For more information visit our age appropriate sexual
behaviour pages.
Why do some children sexually abuse other children?
The reasons why children sexually harm others are complicated and
not always obvious. Some of them have been emotionally, sexually or physically
abused themselves, while others may have witnessed physical or emotional violence
at home. For some children it may be a passing phase, but the harm they cause
to other children can be serious and some will go on to abuse children into
adulthood if they do not receive help. For this reason it is vital to seek
advice and help as soon as possible.
What stops us seeing abuse?
Many people have experienced someone close to them abusing a
child. When something is so difficult to think about, it is only human to find
ways of denying it to ourselves. One of the common thoughts that parents in
this situation have is; 'My child would have told me if they were being abused
and they haven't - so it can't be happening'.
Other things people have said to themselves to deny what is
happening include:
"He was the perfect father; he was involved with the children, he played with them and when our daughter was ill he looked after her so well."
"I thought they were just fooling around. He couldn't be abusing anyone at 14."
"My brother would never do that to a child. He has a wife and children."
"My friend has had a longstanding relationship with a woman. So how can he be interested in boys?"
"She was their mother: how could she be abusing them?"
"He told me about his past right from the start. He wouldn't have done that if he hadn't changed and I'd know if he'd done it again."
"He was the perfect father; he was involved with the children, he played with them and when our daughter was ill he looked after her so well."
"I thought they were just fooling around. He couldn't be abusing anyone at 14."
"My brother would never do that to a child. He has a wife and children."
"My friend has had a longstanding relationship with a woman. So how can he be interested in boys?"
"She was their mother: how could she be abusing them?"
"He told me about his past right from the start. He wouldn't have done that if he hadn't changed and I'd know if he'd done it again."
What are the signs that a child is being abused?
Children often show us rather than tell us that something is
upsetting them. There may be many reasons for changes in their behaviour, but
if we notice a combination of worrying signs it may be time to call for help or
What to watch out for in children:
- Acting
out in an inappropriate sexual way with toys or objects.
- Nightmares,
sleeping problems.
- Becoming
withdrawn or very clingy.
- Personality
changes, seeming insecure.
- Regressing
to younger behaviours, e.g. bedwetting.
- Unaccountable
fear of particular places or people.
- Outburst
of anger.
- Changes
in eating habits.
- Physical
signs, such as, unexplained soreness or bruises around genitals,
sexually-transmitted diseases.
- Becoming
For more information visit our warning signs pages.
What are the signs that an
adult may be using their relationship with a child for sexual reasons?
Signs that an adult is using their relationship with a child for
sexual reasons may not be obvious. We may feel uncomfortable about the way they
play with the child, or seem always to be favouring them and creating reasons
for them to be alone. There may be cause for concern about the behaviour of an
adult or young person if they:
- Refuse
to allow a child sufficient privacy or to make their own decisions on
personal matters.
- Insist
on physical affection such as kissing, hugging or wrestling even when the
child clearly does not want it.
- Are
overly interested in the sexual development of a child or teenager.
- Insist
on time alone with a child with no interruptions.
- Spend
most of their spare time with children and have little interest in
spending time with people their own age.
- Regularly
offer to baby-sit children for free or take children on overnight outings
- Buy
children expensive gifts or give them money for no apparent reason.
- Frequently
walk in on children/teenagers in the bathroom.
- Treat
a particular child as a favourite, making them feel 'special' compared
with others in the family.
- Pick
on a particular child.
For more information visit our warning signs pages.
How are children 'groomed'?
Grooming is a word used to describe how people who want to
sexually harm children and young people get close to them, and often their
families, and gain their trust. They do this in all kinds of places – in the home
or local neighbourhood, the child's school, youth and sports club, the local
church and the workplace.
Grooming may also occur online by people forming relationships
with children and pretending to be their friend. They do this by finding out
information about their potential victim and trying to establish the likelihood
of the child telling. They try to find out as much as they can about the
child's family and social networks and, if they think it is 'safe enough', will
then try to isolate their victim and may use flattery and promises of gifts, or
threats and intimidation in order to achieve some control.
It is easy for 'groomers' to find child victims online. They generally use chat rooms which are focussed around young people's interests. They often pretend to be younger and may even change their gender. Many give a false physical description of themselves which may bear no resemblance to their real appearance – some send pictures of other people, pretending that it is them. Groomers may also seek out potential victims by looking through personal websites such as social networking sites.
It is easy for 'groomers' to find child victims online. They generally use chat rooms which are focussed around young people's interests. They often pretend to be younger and may even change their gender. Many give a false physical description of themselves which may bear no resemblance to their real appearance – some send pictures of other people, pretending that it is them. Groomers may also seek out potential victims by looking through personal websites such as social networking sites.
Are adults 'groomed'?
Child sex offenders will often seek out adults and groom them in
order to get access to their children. By "bonding" with adults in
this way the sex offender can create a relationship either built on trust or
dependency and gain access to the children through it.
How do people sexually abuse
and exploit children on the internet?
When communicating via the internet, young people tend to become
less wary and talk about things far more openly than they might when
communicating face to face. Both male and female adults and some young people
may use the internet to harm children. Some do this by looking at, taking
and/or distributing photographs and video images on the internet of children
naked, in sexual poses and/or being sexually abused.
How is the grooming of children different on the internet?
In many circumstances, grooming online is faster and anonymous and
results in children trusting an online 'friend' more quickly than someone they
had just met 'face to face'. Those intent on sexually harming children can
easily access information about them and they are able to hide their true
identity, age and gender. People who groom children may not be restricted by
time or accessibility to a child as they would in the 'real world'.
Who monitors sex offenders in the community?
By law, the police service, the prison service and the probation
service have to work together, sharing information to manage known offenders.
They are supported by various other agencies, including Local Safeguarding
Children Boards and the NHS, who are also required to provide information about
these offenders.
How does it operate?
- Identify
who may pose a risk of harm
- Share
relevant information about them
- Assess
the nature and extent of that risk
- Manage
that risk effectively, protecting victims and reducing further harm
As part of managing the individual's risk, it may be considered
necessary for information about offenders to be disclosed directly to others by
the Police in order to prevent harm, these may include new partners, landlords
or school Head Teachers. Information is not disclosed to the public unless they
are in a position to better monitor and manage the offender or unless they are
potentially at risk.
Registered sexual offenders are required to notify the police of
their name, address and other personal details. The length of time an offender
is required to register with police, can be any period between 12 months and
life, depending on the age of the offender, the age of the victim and the
nature of the offence and the sentence they receive.
Is viewing child pornography child sexual abuse?
To view child abuse images is to participate in the abuse of a
child. Those who do so may also be abusing children they know. Making,
downloading or viewing sexual images of children on the Internet is a crime.
People who look at this material need help to prevent their behaviour from
becoming even more serious.
Does treatment of abusers really work?
YES. Most sex offenders are not monsters, however abhorrent their
behaviour, and few are the predatory violent offenders portrayed in the media.
Adults who abuse children are responsible for their behaviour and can choose to
stop. Experts agree that with successful completion of specialised treatment,
people who sexually abuse children can learn how to control their actions and
become part of the solution of keeping children safe.
Child sexual abuse is a crime and must be dealt with first through
the child protection and criminal justice systems. But, to prevent further
abuse, it's in our best interest as a society to provide the best treatment
available to every abuser who wants to change. It's also in our best interests
to build a system that really supports offenders in their recovery so that they
have the chance to contribute positively to society. When people who abuse
children are firmly supported and held accountable for their actions, they are
more likely to live productive, abuse-free lives.
What happens if I report my suspicions?
If a child is in immediate danger call 999.
Every case is different so it is difficult to say what might
happen if you report your suspicions to the authorities. There are various
courses of action you can take including contacting the police or Children's
Social Services. These agenices have joint working arrangements for
responding to suspected child abuse. Someone will talk to you about your
concerns and may ask for details so the situation can be investigated further.
Police and social work teams are very experienced in this work and will deal
sensitively with the child and family.
If you want to talk about your concerns and possible courses of
actions, the Stop it Now! helpline is available for confidential advice
and information. The Helpline operates from 9am-9pm Monday-Thursday and from
9am-5pm on Friday. Stop it Now! can also provide help by email onhelp@stopitnow.org.uk, with a response in 3-5 working
days. More information can also be found on www.stopitnow.org.uk.
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